Thursday, October 4, 2012

Back Again

Hello, it's been almost a month now!

I guess I brought it upon myself b/c last post on 9/10, I said I was bored.  Well, little man showed up and was born on 9/13!  I'm not bored anymore!

So, I've been home for 3 weeks now.  We have a pseudo schedule... I guess as well as you can with a 3 week old.  He's been doing pretty good at night, i.e. just waking up twice.  I guess I'm lucky that I've always functioned in life with what many people would consider minimal amounts of sleep (~6 hrs) so I've been managing with getting up around 1am and again at 4am to feed him.  It is still very tiring to just sleep 2 or so hours and have to get back up again.

All well worth it at the end.  He's so stinking cute!  How do you get mad or stay mad! 

I am taking a picture a day of him so if you would like the link to this Picassa picture book, message me so I can send you the link!

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