... my family, my friends, my food, my hobbies. Everyday is another day to enjoy my passions.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Moving to Tumblr
Hello.... we're officially moving to Tumblr. You can find us at: http://jdiskingofthecastle.tumblr.com/ Thanks for joining us thus far. Hope you come join us again!
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Spring Time!
It's April and more than technically spring. It's been a strange year for weather as it always is. It's April but temperatures are still somewhat cool some days. Nevertheless, I have planted my crops for the year. This year my variety of container plants include: eggplant, jalapeno, some yellow santa fe pepper, thai basil, sweet basil, okra, red bell pepper, and yellow bell pepper. And how could I forget: tomatoes. Let's see how we do this season!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
This little boy is ridiculous. We got a pair of sunglasses from a friend of ours and decided to use it today since it was soooo beautiful out. We put the shades on JD, and he LOVED it. So stinking cute.

Sunday, January 27, 2013
You've probably all heard about the flu epidemic. Well, my house has been sick off and on for probably the last month with the cold or something like that. Luckily, JD hadn't caught any of it... until now! It started off with a cough which got a little worse. I mentioned the cough to the doc at his 4 month appt. Well, it got worse so we took him in again a week later. They confirmed it was not the flu nor was it the RSV virus. It's pretty much a cold that we have to wait out. Don't tell that to JD... he's been pretty miserable with a nagging cough and what sounds like a sore throat. Therefore, he has not been sleeping and thus his parents have not been sleeping neither! I bet he did this to teach us a lesson about complaining about his 1am feeding! I guess I won't complain about those anymore! As of today, he seems to be coughing up the drainage and other crap which I guess is a good sign. We're just waiting for his voice to return to normal, eating back to normal, and of course sleeping back to normal! So keep all your kids safe by keeping them away from other sick kids and adults!
Saturday, January 19, 2013
2nd Week of School
JD has now completed 2 weeks of daycare. The daycare he's at has video monitors for us to be able to view him if we want to. I probably log in once a day if I remember to. He always seems to be enjoying himself so much. He gets a daily report card which tells me he doesn't seem to sleep very much at school. I guess this means he's playing??? Well once he gets home, we play with him and feed him, and he's pretty much tired at 7pm! Be it good or bad, I don't know!
I definitely see how hectic life becomes when you have 2 people working and trying not to eat out every meal. This only causes me to have to plan my week and meals out in even more detail than I've ever done before. And if you know me, I have always planned my meals out!
I think we're going to try some crock pot ribs this week. I'll let you know how those turn out!
I definitely see how hectic life becomes when you have 2 people working and trying not to eat out every meal. This only causes me to have to plan my week and meals out in even more detail than I've ever done before. And if you know me, I have always planned my meals out!
I think we're going to try some crock pot ribs this week. I'll let you know how those turn out!
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