Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Iravat Bistro

A couple weeks ago, I really wanted some Indian food.  Unfortunately, Allen doesn't exactly have a huge array of Indian restaurants.  We went to one in Plano that we've driven by a billion times since it's next to the Asian market.  We got very standard Indian food, and everything was WONDERFUL.  It was just what I needed.  If you are in Plano, check it out.

Butter Chicken
Naan Bread
Chicken Masala

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Oliver's Birthdey

Today (4/19) is Oliver's birthday! He turned 7 today.

Crochet - Purple Capelet

One of my friend's little girl is turning 2 in a few weeks.  I made the below purple crochet capelet for her.  I think it may be a little big for her, but she'll grow into it!

Seeds Update - Green Beans

The snow peas are looking OK.  The green beans are looking very good!  Jalapenos are slow thus far.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Highland Park Old-Fashioned Soda Fountain

I had a Groupon for the Highland Park Soda Fountain shop.  Since I've seen and passed this place many of times, I couldn't pass up the Groupon!  The hubby and I decided to take the trek into downtown on a lazy Sunday morning (i.e. one where me and my workout partner decided to "sleep in" and not get up at 7am!). 

We got 2 soups, 2 sandwiches, and 2 drinks.  We both got tomato basil soup.  Hubby got a pimento cheese sandwich and absolutely loved it.  Note the bites in sandwich pics below.

Pimento cheese sandwich

I got chicken salad sandwich was very tasty.  The toasted bread was a great touch.

Chicken salad sandwich

All in all, I would definitely go back because I want to try a milk shake.  It's a cool, nostalgic place to go.  Definitely a neat place to take people from out of town or treat your little one to a drink here. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Seeds Update - Beans

I moved my baby plants from the seed starters to their permanent home in a pot.  They're getting big but are still adjusting to the pots.

I also planted a ton of jalapeño plants and am working on the mini herb pot.  Pictures to come.
Green beans
Snow peas

Sunday, April 1, 2012


I took a trip to Sonoma, CA last weekend to visit some friends who I have not had good hang out time with in probably 5 years.  It was a long overdue trip, but a trip that was well worth it.  We drove through the vineyards, attending wine tastings, ate cheese and crackers, ate lots of other foods, spa time, and just hung out and talked.  Makes you realize how easy it is to get together with people but how infrequent we really do it.

It was great hanging out with you ladies!  See you again soon!
View of scenery at vineyard
Another view
Up close shot of the flowering tree outside our cottage